
How to Pick up a Guy at the Bar

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Patrick is a management consultant and frequent business traveler. Because he is away from home Monday-Thursday, he values his free time. He would rather be spending time with friends and relaxing instead of cleaning.

I don't really to waste my time at home, which is very, very valuable to me. I want to spend it out with friends, seeing the people that I don't get to see very often.

I think we all can agree that getting your house or apartment cleaned eats away at the precious free time that we do have. Tune in or keep reading to learn how to pick up a guy at the bar and how Patrick got his time back by hiring a professional cleaner.


Easy to book for frequent fliers

“I worked with a couple different cleaning services here, sent emails for bookings and you know, I didn’t hear back or I’d hear back like five days later. [And] honestly I’ll send an email on the Friday and I don’t hear back until Wednesday. I’m working, I’m busy, I don’t have time to really kind of, you know, it’s out of mind at that point.”

“Whereas for Whystle, I was sitting at a bar, met this guy right here said ,”Here, I want to do this day, this time. Done.” And it was that quick. I mean it was quick and easy. Like it wasn’t, yeah, it wasn’t an experience where I had to email somebody for a quote – it told me what the price would be, told me what times are available. Then I was done. It took me, you know – beyond just signing up for the services being super quick and easy – maybe 30 seconds and to actually book an appointment.”

Travel Tips and Tricks

  1. Routine, routine, routine. Make, make your life easy on the weekends so that you can do what you want to do because during the week you’re going to have to just put it all out there.
  2. Get quality luggage. Patrick recommends Briggs & Riley . Also, always try to get the carry-on size, you never want to get to the client site and have to wear the same clothes for days if your bag gets lost.
  3. Get TSA Pre-check, or better yet, Global Entry. It will save you SO much time.


Chris [00:01]:    

Hello Whistle family. Today we’re going to be joined by a special guest named Patrick. He travels for work and I’m not going to tell too much about him, but he travels for work a lot and was kind of getting frustrated with how difficult it is to sometimes find a cleaning company. He’s actually texting right now, let’s see if we can get him on here. In the meantime, if you are watching live, please let me know in the comments or the likes section if you have any questions, how your day’s going, what’s going on in your life. Okay. It looks like we got Patrick. Let’s add him on here.

Chris [00:50]:                  

All right. We’re adding him in momentarily.

Patrick [00:56]:               

Hey, I’m enjoying a brewery on my time off,.

Chris [01:05]:

Not too bad!. All right, so just to get us started. The name of the live is “How to pick up a guy at a bar.

Patrick [01:30]:

Oh God. Yeah. So yeah, it’s got to give a little background there and then also kind of roll into why I like Whystle a whole lot and why I think it’s super convenient for me.

Patrick [01:42]:

Yeah, I work in consulting so I’m usually gone, you know, Monday through Thursday on a given week. Then I’m at home Friday through Sunday and would you think, oh yeah, I can’t make that much of a mess in that given period. But that’s not actually true because I’m a messy individual. However, I don’t really to waste my time at home, which is very, very valuable to me. I want to spend it out with friends, seeing the people that I don’t get to see very often. Also, like I’ve had experiences where I tried to book cleaning services, get quotes, and send an email out but don’t ever hear back. It even took me 3 months to hear back from on place.

Patrick [01:42]:

Then, I met Chris here at a bar and he walked through what Whystle was, showing me how I can book very easily. It’s good for me because I don’t want to spend time and organize my cleaning and all this because I want a place to be nice. At The same time, I don’t want to use my weekends, my most valuable time at home, doing that. But I still want it to be clean. You know, I have a full time job and that’s [consulting] my full time job. I want the weekends to be fully livable, and not be focused on doing other things.

Chris [02:55]:

Right, you want to spend more time living your life and not worrying about cleaning.

Patrick [03:05]:

Yeah, my job is one that where we tried to figure out how to make people’s lives easier, right? How do we focus on what’s going on not on what we don’t have to worry about. How do we pull resources in to be able to make our lives easier. And you know, I’m a firm believer that anything I can do to make my life easier, makes my life better.

Chris [03:30]:

Right, so would you say that so far working with Whystle has been an easy experience and has made your life easier?

Patrick [03:37]:

For example, I worked with a couple different cleaning services here, sent emails for bookings and you know, I didn’t hear back or I’d hear back like five days later. [And] honestly I’ll send an email on the Friday and I don’t hear back until Wednesday. I’m working, I’m busy, I don’t have time to really kind of, you know, it’s out of mind at that point. Whereas whistle I was sitting at a bar, met this guy right here said ,”Here, I want to do this day, this time. Done.” And it was that quick. I mean it was quick and easy. Like it wasn’t, yeah, it wasn’t an experienced where I had to email somebody for a quote – it told me what the price would be, told me what times are available. Then I was done. It took me, you know – beyond just signing up for the services being super quick and easy – maybe 30 seconds and to actually book an appointment.

Patrick [04:25]:               

Right, and actually, you know, and a good point too, which is awesome about is that even though I was gone for a few weeks, had a cleaning coming up. I thought, “Well I haven’t been home in two weeks, my place I live in has been closed up, please change it. Then I changed it out two weeks and then it automatically booked my recurring service, and changes that as well. Automatically took care of that for me, which is to me it’s super easy. I don’t have to like cancel and do this or that or call, etc. Just go on the APP, change it, done. It just helps automate my life, and I love that.

Chris [04:58]:                  

That’s good! We’re glad to hear that. The whole goal is to make people’s lives easier, and I’m glad it’s helping someone like yourself who’s always traveling for work. It’s got to be the last thing you want to worry about when you get back from traveling.

Patrick [05:11]:

Oh yeah, 100%. I HATE cleaning, hate it. Give me a good brewery. Not cleaning and mopping – stuff like that. I don’t want to end the work week with that.

Chris [05:26]:

Awesome, so switching gears, do you have any tools or tricks for frequent business travelers that you’ve learned along the way? Besides cleaning, are there any other tricks you have for traveling?

Patrick [05:47]

Routine. That’s the thing right, being able to have a routine that actually accommodates what you want to do. So yeah. I don’t know. Make, make your life easy on the weekends so that you can do what you want to do because during the week you’re going to have to just put it all out there. So, live in a place that’s convenient for you. So that it’s super easy when you’re home, so that when you’re gone, as frequent travelers, it can be just a nightmare constantly. So why then spend your time trying to do the same thing on the weekend. Use things like Whystle or other things that make your life easier. Because, why not? So you can have fun on weekends. Like, I’m sitting at a brewery right now, with good friends and it’s phenomenal. But, you know, If I didn’t have those routines built in, then I’d be at home and trying to figure out how to clean my place up and do all that. And right now I’m able to actually enjoy my time with is the, I don’t have much of it, but don’t have much of it so may as well take advantage of it.

Chris [06:37]:

So what are you favorite breweries in Charlotte?

Patrick [06:42]:

Oh, Resident Culture, 100%. Here now actually.

Patrick [06:47]:               

Well there’s probably Sycamore if it wasn’t for all the people, but Resident Culture man. It’s about the best in town. You know, Wooden Robot is obviously a great option. Everybody in Charlotte knows that. But Resident Culture, that’s most amazing. Amazing beer, good crowd. And then it’s like you actually can find chairs which is cool. Charlotte is a beautiful city. You’ve got to take advantage of it. If you are a frequent traveler, which there are a lot of us here. Yeah, Deloitte, EY, everybody.

Patrick [07:17]:

Yeah, in Charlotte, you’ve got to figure out how to take advantage of it. Figure out how to make your life easier, so that you can come and enjoy a place life Resident Culture and not just be, coming in for the weekend and just do your chores and then you go right back out Monday morning. Figure out how to come back and like it a little bit. Also, definitely get a Briggs Bag, not a Tumi.

Patrick [07:33]:

We’ll throw in there for Briggs, it never breaks.

Chris [07:34]:

There you go. That is a nice bag. Last question, would recommend Whystle to other people, like yourself, who are traveling in the week and busy all the time?

Patrick [07:49]:

I would recommend it to anybody, honestly. So I grew up in the South, but in a smaller town. My dad was running his own business and yeah, we would have a 20 people come by and there it was always kinda like word mouth, and such. Which you’ve been doing and that’s difficult. Right? It’s not an easy. You’ve got to kind of coordinate yourself, take care of yourself and handle all this stuff. Whereas when you get something like Whystle, small town, big city, whatever it is. You know, you go on, you log on and you say, “This is a time that makes sense to me”, book it, done. And to me, I’d recommended a service like that anytime because it makes life easy.

Patrick [08:29]:

Again, said this a couple times now, my life not easy most of the week. So when it is, when it has the opportunity to be, I want to make sure that it is. I want to make sure that I make it easy and you talk about a service like Whystle. Yeah. I’d recommend to anybody. Travel or not travel or anybody just to make their life a little bit easier. Yeah, we all use apps now, right? The iPhone or our phones are the center of our lives. We log onto our bank account, we pay our bills through the phone, we do all that. So why not throw something like a cleaning service on your phone and say, “I can just go on and manage this right there.” It’s already the central hub for most of your stuff, so why not manage [cleanings] right there as well. I have one place, where I manage everything I do and it is my phone and Whystle allows you to do that with a cleaning service. Instead of emailing back and forth, for weeks in advance, trying to get a quote, which I don’t really enjoy doing.

Chris [09:28]:

Awesome! Well thank you so much for jumping on call here. Enjoy your beer and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Patrick [09:28]:
